Technology Inventions

internet on tv

Technology inventions are bringing the internet on tv.

A smartphone, tablet or computer screen isn't the best option for streaming videos, movies, shows, sports, entertainment events and concerts.

Although watching television content on our mobile devices has increased twenty-percent in the past year, we still enjoy the experience of watching that content on our big wide screen televisions.

But accessing the diverse content from the internet on t.v. is currently inconvenient requiring set-top boxes or game devices that limit access across platforms or require additional fees.

Internet On TV

But the television industry is taking the same technology inventions that made smartphones and tablets and incorporating it into big screen televisions.

The next generation of big screen televisions will have all the applications and functionality of smartphones, tablets and personal computers with unlimited apps across all platforms. That includes television cable and satellite broadcasts as well as everything on the Internet.

They will interact and integrate with all of our devices - catering to a totally customize experience of instant access and gratification to anything we want - anytime we want it.

Smart TV

Coined SmartTv the technology inventions required to interface all platforms is a complex task.

All media sources must be integrated seamlessly and accessible through a single program. This requires very advanced software programming.

One of the leaders in developing technology inventions for the digital television industry is ADB (Advanced Digital Broadcast) whose clients include digital television operators, television manufacturers and distributors of set-top boxes.

ADB introduced the first hybrid Internet set-top box and has won two Cable and Satellite International Product of the Year awards for their technology inventions.

In fact, sixty-percent of ADB's seven-hundred employees are software engineers dedicated to creating the advanced software needed for Smart Tv. Read More...Technology Inventions.

